Publisher Highlight and Submission Guidelines
About: Clarkesworld magazine first hit the science fiction and fantasy scene in October 2006. It has won the Hugo Award for Best Semiprozine twice in its history and has been nominated for several other industry awards as well. Each Clarkesworld issue features three pieces of original fiction, interviews, and more. Find publisher information and submission guidelines below.
Website: Clarkesworld Magazine
Contact E-Mail:
Contact name and position: Neil Clarke – Publisher/Editor-in-Chief
Writer Guidelines: Submission Guidelines
Samples of Publication: Back Issues
Genres and Subjects Accepted: Fantasy -Open to all/most SubGenres, including: Contemporary, Slipstream, Supernatural, Horror – Open to all/most SubGenres, including: Psychological, Slipstream, Supernatural, Science Fiction – Open to all/most SubGenres, including: Contemporary/Near Future, Hard Science Fiction, Slipstream, Soft Science Fiction
Open to most styles and subjects.
Types Accepted: Article, essay, short story, novellette
Publication Type: Electronic, print
Frequency: Print annually, electronic monthly
Pay Type and Amount: 10¢ per word for the first 4000 words, 5¢ for each word over 4000
Submission Types: Electronic
Allow Reprints? No
Allow Simultaneous Submissions? No
Allow Multiple Submissions? No
Estimated Response Time: 2 weeks
Require Query? No
Tips: Don’t submit another story until 7 days have passed after a rejection